1. If you found some annoying bugs in MonoDevelop that you'd like to get fixed in the next release.
    If you reported some bugs which are not yet fixed maybe because we've not been able to reproduce them.
    If you want to help in tracking down some of the issues that MD has...

    please join us next friday (September 14th) in the #monodevelop IRC channel (in irc.gimp.org) for an interactive, collaborative and intense bug hunting effort.

    MonoDevelop is approaching the beta 1 release, which should happen by the end of the month, so this is a chance for helping the development team in tracking down and fixing MonoDevelop issues.

    Thanks to all!

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About Me
My complete name is Lluis Sanchez Gual, and I work as a developer for Novell. I'm part of the Mono team, and I'm leading the MonoDevelop project, a very exciting open source IDE for GNOME.