1. The first beta of MonoDevelop has just been released! I'm really excited on seeing a beta release of MD after so much time working on it, because it means that:
    • MD has feature set complete enough for real life use.
    • MD is becoming more and more stable. Yes, it still has bugs and crashes, but now that it is feature-frozen, we can focus 100% on bug fixing, and that's what we'll do in the following months.
    • MD 1.0 is just around the corner. I hope it can be a nice Christmas gift.
    We also have a new logo for the project. The logo started with this image of a monkey tail and ended being what you see up there. Inkscape does wonders.

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About Me
My complete name is Lluis Sanchez Gual, and I work as a developer for Novell. I'm part of the Mono team, and I'm leading the MonoDevelop project, a very exciting open source IDE for GNOME.