The results are summarized here.
Here are some initials considerations:
- 71% of responders are using MD to some degree. It means that who responded the survey is mostly our current user base. Not surprising since the survey was advertised only in the common Mono mailing lists and blogs.
- People mostly use MD to build GTK# applications, which means that we'll have to keep improving our integrated designer.
- There is more demand for System.Windows.Forms than for ASP.NET, although the numbers are close. I'm kind of surprised about that, since ASP.NET has been working very well in mono for several years. Looks like we'll have S.W.F around for long time.
- Not surprising that C# is used by 95% of responders, but I expected more VB.NET demand as a secondary language. It's almost in pair with Boo. We clearly need to improve our support for C/C++.
- Little demand for .NET 1.1. Most of projects are based on .NET 2.0 nowadays. MD still defaults to 1.1 when creating a project. That's because the 2.0 profile it is not yet officially supported by Mono. Maybe we should consider defaulting to 2.0 anyway. Amazing amount of people willing to develop applications for Silverlight.
- No big surprises on the target platform.
- Most of responders is using bleeding edge GNOME. I would expect corporate developers to use older GNOME versions. Does it mean we don't have many corporate users?
- We've done a good job fixing bugs, but stability is still the most important problem that our users have. However, I feel that many of those stability issues are not being reported, and we can't fix them if they are not reported. Maybe we should make it easier to provide feedback?
- In the comments some people are requesting features that MD already has (for example, support for .NET 2.0). This should be considered an usability problem, because it means that those features are not easy enough to find.
- 289 responders interested in developing MD add-ins? wow
- Number 1 feature request is the debugger. That was expected, and it will be priority #1 when the debugger is finished.
- Big interest for a Windows.Forms designer. We'll have to look on the work done by Ivan Zlatev on the designer, and see how it could be integrated in MD.
- People request better editing tools. We have a good code base to start offering better intellisense and refactoring operations, but our text editor based on GtkSourceView is limiting us.
- The feature ranking will be helpful in priorizing the work to do (at least in the core MD team), although I know that list is not complete.
- I know the survey is not perfect. It is the first time I do something like that. The next one will be better :)
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