1. Last Friday MonoDevelop 1.0 was released. It is the first time I do an 1.0 release, so it is really exciting to see the release after so much time working on it. To know more about the features of MD, take a look at the release announcement. Miguel also wrote a nice blog entry about the past and future of MD.

    Our main goal for this release has been to provide a good IDE for developing applications for GNOME and the Linux desktop in general. Most of the features are being use nowadays to develop MD itself: the GTK# designer, Subversion integration, Makefile integration, unit testing, localization, and others. It means that MD is mature and complete enough to handle complex projects, and that's why we have an 1.0 release right now. This release is of course not perfect, there are still bugs and feature gaps, we'll keep working on it.

    So what now? we are already working on next release, which should happen in about 6 months, and which will include long awaited new features, such as debugger integration, code folding, better ASP.NET support, and many other improvements. After so much time being focused on bug fixing, it is a pleasure to go back to real hacking :)

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About Me
My complete name is Lluis Sanchez Gual, and I work as a developer for Novell. I'm part of the Mono team, and I'm leading the MonoDevelop project, a very exciting open source IDE for GNOME.