1. Many people has been asking about the status of the debugger integration in MonoDevelop, so I thought it would be a good idea to post a quick status report.

    The short answer is that we are working on it. The debugger integration work has started, and there is already support for breakpoints, stepping, call stack view, current frame selection, basic variable watch window, and attaching/detaching to/from running processes. All this is working in MonoDevelop from SVN (still with some stability issues).

    And here are some big news: we are integrating not only MDB (the Mono debugger), but also GDB, and thanks to the debugger abstraction layer we built in MD, we'll be able to use the same GUI for both debuggers. Two debuggers for the price of one!

    We are going to do a MonoDevelop release next week. However, this release will not include the debugger integration because it still depends on Mono and MDB from SVN and we would not be able to package it. If you want to try the debugger (beware, this is work in progress), you have to do the following:
    • Get and build Mono from SVN.
    • Get and build the Mono Debugger from SVN.
    • Get MonoDevelop from SVN.
    • At the MonoDevelop's top-level directory, run './configure --select'. Make sure the extras/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Mdb add-in is selected (and/or extras/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Gdb if you want GDB support).
    • Build MonoDevelop.
    If you only want to try GDB, you don't need Mono and MonoDebugger from SVN, getting latest MonoDevelop is enough.

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About Me
My complete name is Lluis Sanchez Gual, and I work as a developer for Novell. I'm part of the Mono team, and I'm leading the MonoDevelop project, a very exciting open source IDE for GNOME.