1. In the past weeks (actually, months) I've been doing some changes in the MonoDevelop GUI to make it more functional and better looking. Here is the result:



    Changes in the Status Bar

    Everything started with the idea of removing the status bar, in order to save space in the main window. The plan was to use something similar to Chrome's status popups, which are visible only when there is actual information to show to the user. However, after playing with the idea and thinking about how would it fit in MonoDevelop, I decided to try something else. Instead of removing the status bar, we would make a better use of the space it takes. So in the new GUI I merged the status bar and the bottom dock bar. The dock bar is the area where the title of pads in auto-hide mode are shown (for example, the Test Results pad in the above screenshots). When you hover over the title, the pad is shown in a popup window, with a nice sliding effect. The bottom dock bar is now shown next to the status bar, growing as more space is required.

    I also added support for custom pad labels. So for example, the Errors List pad now shows the error and warning count, instead of just the "Errors List" label. In this way pads can show some status information while they are minimized.

    Less intrusive output pads

    Temporary output pads such as logs for Version Control or Find in Files operations are now shown in autohide mode by default. Until now, those pads were shown docked at the bottom, taking space from the text editor. I also removed the standalone Build Output pad. The build output is now available in the Errors List pad, by clicking on the Build Oputput button:

    Visual improvements

    A noticeable visual change is that the main window new has a darker background, with some subtle shading effects. The pads look more "physical" and better delimited. The pad toolbars are now integrated in the docking system, improving the overall visual consistency.

    Configurable GUI compactness

    One thing I learned while working in MonoDevelop is that it is hard to find the right balance in the use of padding between the gui components (specifically, between the components shown in the main window). Using more padding makes the GUI more visually pleasant, and the components are better delimited. On the other hand, padding may be a waste of space when working on small resolutions.

    I added a configuration option for selecting the level of compactness of the GUI. There are five levels, from Very Compact to Very Spacious. So for example, the screenshots shown above are using the 'Spacious' level. In that level, there is some padding always visible between the pads, the window borders and the main menu. There is no such padding in 'Normal' mode.

    Zoomable tree views

    MonoDevelop has an option which allows choosing the font to use for the tree view pads such as the Solution pad or the Class pad. Those trees may be large for big projects, so users find it convenient to use a small font, which allows seeing more information at once.

    To make font reduction easier and more handy, I added a Zoom capability to the tree pads. So to zoom, all you have to do is hold the Control key and move the mouse wheel up and down (the standard zoom shortcuts can also be used for this, including Control+0 to reset the zoom). This screenshot shows the solution and class pads with different levels of zoom:


    The changes I described are part of an ongoing effort to make MonoDevelop easier to use. There is more to come. It would be great to have feedback on the changes we are doing, so that we can further fine tune the interface for the 2.4 release.

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About Me
My complete name is Lluis Sanchez Gual, and I work as a developer for Novell. I'm part of the Mono team, and I'm leading the MonoDevelop project, a very exciting open source IDE for GNOME.